Updated on • 17 Aug 2024
DJI Recommends Microphones for the Osmo Camera
DJI recommends six microphones that can be used with its handheld, stabilised camera - the Osmo. They're a mix of shotgun and stereo mics. ... Read More
Users of DJI's new stabilised, hand-held camera, the Osmo have discovered one limiting factor - the microphone. Because of the noise the Osmo makes and because of the location of the built-in mic at the top of the handle, new owners have been contacting DJI and asking them to recommend third party microphones that would fit the bill. osmo.png The DJI Osmo Now DJI have announced that, after "testing hundreds of different microphones from lots of different manufacturers", they have come up with a short list of six recommended models. They would probably attach to a universal mount which is available as an accessory. The 3.5mm socket for the mic lead is right next to the built-in mic and above the control trigger. OSMO-Handle-CU.jpg The mic socket above the trigger with the mic on the right. OSMO-Universal-Mount-2.png The Osmo universal mount The shortlisted microphones are mainly shotgun (directional) but also stereo and your choice depends on the type of audio you need. Bear in mind that, with a camera that rotates 360 degrees, your sound could easily get out of kilter with the pictures if the mic's in a fixed position. Here's the DJI list of recommended microphones:
Rode-videomicro.jpg The Rode VideoMicro
Rode-VideoMic-Pro-e1447671900318.jpg The Rode VideoMic Pro
Sonmy-ECM-DS70P.jpg The Sony ECM DS70P
Sennheiser-MKE400_hires.jpg The Sennheiser MKE400
Mymyk-Smartmyk.jpg The Mymyk Smartmyk
DED-DV-889.jpg The DED DV-889
Heliguy usually recommend the Rode Videomicro Osmo external microphone. In our experience it provides the best balance between price, simplicity of use and sound quality.
written by
James Willoughby
James joined heliguy™ in 2018 following a 13-year stint in print and online journalism, having worked on regional and weekly newspaper titles. He is responsible for spearheading heliguy™'s content strategy and social media delivery. James collaborates with DJI Enterprise's European marketing team to coordinate and produce case studies and helps organise events and webinars.