What Are The New Drone Classes?

As part of the new regulations, a new class system for drones was introduced. Each make of drone will have its own class rating – from C0 to C4 – which will be based on certain criteria, such as weight, maximum speed and other features based around safety and geo-awareness.

Specific classes of drone can be flown in specific subcategories of the Open Category.

However, the UK CAA has announced that class marks on drones (ie C0-C4) issued in the EU are currently not recognised in the UK. This is because no relevant designated standards, Market Surveillance Authority, or conformance assessment bodies have been established in the UK, so it is currently not possible to comply UK class marking requirements. This came into force from December 23, 2022.

As a result, non-class-marked drones (ie, current drones on the market without a class mark, or without a UK-recognised class mark) can continue to be flown based on Transitional provisions, which have been extended to January 1, 2026.

Read more about the drone class system and UK drone laws.

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