What Do I Have To Do In The Combined A2 and GVC Drone Exam?

What Do I Have To Do In The Combined A2 and GVC Drone Exam?

The examination – sat in formal conditions – will comprise a minimum of 60 multiple-choice questions. There will be a minimum of five questions in each of the following subject areas:

  • Air law/responsibilities;

  • UAS airspace operating principles;

  • Airmanship and aviation safety.

  • The exam will be a closed-book format (except when questions require reference to charts, or other sources of specific aeronautical information) and the minimum overall pass mark is 75%.

The examination is 60 minutes in length. Any candidate with a recognised disability or additional needs (e.g. dyslexia or dyspraxia) should be granted an extra 10% of the allocated assessment time to complete the examination.

Sit your drone exam remotely using a webcam. For your exam, you will require:

  • A quiet, private space

  • Desktop or laptop

  • Webcam

  • Microphone

  • A reliable internet connection

  • Photographic ID (if you don't have photo ID, you will need to complete the exam at heliguy™ HQ during office hours).

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