Published on 21 Nov 2014
James Willoughby
DJI Lightbridge + Multiple Receivers (Master - Slave)
The DJI Lightbridge has the facility to transmit to multiple receivers, so to view the live video feed in extra locations within range of the transmitter. ... Read More
The DJI Lightbridge has the facility to transmit to multiple receivers, giving the ability to view the live video feed in extra locations within range of the transmitter. A useful feature to allow access to live footage, whilst keeping viewers in a separate safe location.
Image-1-e1416562301414-1024x728.jpg DJI Lightbridge Master - Slave Set Up
To set this up, the primary receiver, connected to the RC, is the master. The other receivers will then become the slave units. Connect to the master Lightbridge using the android app (IOS version coming soon) and access the settings menu.
Image-2-1024x640.jpg Select Master - Slave in settings
Select the Master - Slave sub-menu. From here you will need to record the Master ID. Exit all menus on the master unit. Now connect to the slave unit, again using the android app, and repeat the menu selection above.
Image-3-1024x640.jpg Input Master 12 digit code
Select the slave option, you will now be prompted to input the ID of the Master unit. Enter the information recorded from the Master unit menu, excluding any spaces. Upon exiting the menus, you should now have live feed displayed on your second device.
Repeat the slave unit setup process for any other receivers you wish to connect.
Buy DJI Lightbridge
dji-lightbridge-e1416562218777.jpg DJI Lightbridge
If you are thinking of buying the DJI Lightbridge for either this reason, or any other great reason, you can buy from Heliguy. Remember though, the Lightbridge is included with the DJI Inpsire 1 and is built into the transmitter.