Published on 12 Feb 2021
James Willoughby
DJI Mavic Mini: Replacing Propellers
Replace your DJI Mavic Mini propellers with this quick and easy heliguy™ tutorial.
If your current propellers are broken or damaged, you'll need to replace them to ensure flight safety.
The DJI Mavic Mini box contains all the necessary tools and kit. Rather than using home tools, use the specialised tools inside the box.
This fast Heliguy™ tutorial will teach you how to replace your DJI Mavic Mini propellers and screws safely.
Locate faulty propeller
Identify propeller locations
Remove propellers
Replace screws
Screw in new propellers
Ensure screws are going in correctly
Check all propellers are on securely
That's all there is to it! You can now go out and enjoy safe flying with your DJI Mavic Mini.
You can discard the old propellers and screws as it's unsafe to reuse old broken parts.
If you need help identifying damaged propellers be sure to give us a call and we can help you on your drone journey.