DJI Osmo Handle not working with X5 Camera and Adapter Plate


DJI Osmo Handle not working with X5 Camera and Adapter Plate

Step by step guide on how to get the DJI OSMO and the X5 camera working with the OSMO using an adapter plate.

The Osmo is a really powerful piece of kit. It becomes even more so when you’re using the Zenmuse X5 or X5R cameras and the adapter plate to fit it to a standard Osmo handle. Many of our customers have already taken advantage of this setup, but some have had issues with the Osmo handle not recognising that the X5 or X5R is attached.

Why does my Osmo not work when I attach an X5 or X5R camera?

The reason the Osmo may not be working when you initially install the X5 or X5R camera is that a firmware upgrade needs to be performed for the two devices to communicate correctly.

What do I need to do to get the X5 or X5R working with my Osmo?

It’s simple – upgrade the firmware on your DJI Osmo. Before upgrading the firmware, please check that you have the following to hand:

  • A fully charged Osmo handle, upright, preferably in the stand supplied when you purchased the Osmo.

  • An X5 or X5R camera is attached to the DJI Osmo handle.

  • A Micro SD card with at least 300mb of free space.

  • 45 minutes to spare to perform the upgrade.

Once you’ve got the above in place, performing the firmware upgrade is just a case. To do that you can follow the steps below:

  1. Insert your Micro SD card into your PC or Mac so that you have access to the files stored on it.

  2. Download the latest Pro firmware (if you’re using the X5) or Raw firmware (if you’re using the X5R) from DJI’s Osmo Download Page.

  3. Unzip the file you’ve just downloaded to your desktop.

  4. Within the files you extract, you’ll open one folder, the name of which will begin with ‘OSMO_’.

  5. In this folder, you should find just one .bin file. This file contains the upgraded firmware.

  6. Copy this .bin file which you’ve just downloaded on to the ‘root’ of your Micro SD card. The root simply means the home of the SD card, not inside any folders.

  7. Remove the SD card from your PC or Mac as soon as the .bin file has finished copying.

  8. Ensure that your Osmo is currently turned off.

  9. Insert the Micro SD card you copied the .bin firmware file to into the Micro SD card slot on the X5 or X5R camera.

  10. Now turn on the Osmo handle.

  11. The status indicator LED on the camera will now alternate between green and red flashes to indicate that the firmware upgrade process has started.

  12. Please allow up to 45 minutes for the firmware update to complete.

  13. When you see a solid green light on the X5 or X5R camera with no flashes, the firmware has been successfully updated.

Now it’s just a case of rebooting your Osmo to start the device with the new firmware active. Once this has all been completed you should now be able to use the X5 or X5R camera with your Osmo handle as normal!

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