Consultation On UK Drone Training - heliguy™
Consultation On UK Drone Training

Training & Regulations

Consultation On UK Drone Training

Learn how the UK CAA's consultation on drone training will enhance pilot competence and support complex operations, including BVLOS.

The UK CAA has unveiled the second phase of a consultation which proposes extending remote pilot competency requirements - developing a training framework which includes complex operations such as BVLOS.

Key points within the consultation include:

  • Proposals relate to operations in the Specific Category

  • GVC to be retained

  • Four levels of training (L1-L4) to be introduced

  • L1-L4 for fixed-wing (aeroplane) and Multi-Rotor (rotorcraft)

  • L1 permits VLOS operations

  • L2 introduces BVLOS operations

  • L3 for more complex BVLOS operations

  • L4 considers the future possibility of full IFR integration between UAS and manned aircraft in the Specific category.

  • Flight simulators can be used for training to meet some criteria. The CAA is still considering the framework for which simulators will be approved.

The CAA says that the proposed new remote pilot competence framework supports the Future of Flight policy programme, and that training pilots for BVLOS operations is a key enabler for the future of the UK UAS industry.

The new framework would enable a pathway for career remote pilots, the CAA says.

The proposals are based on feedback received in the consultation's first phase, which ran in the summer of 2023.

The second phase of the consultation is now open until March 14, 2024. All stakeholders are invited to provide feedback.

Proposals In More Detail 

The CAA says that the training requirements set out in the consultation have been developed to support remote pilot training and progression for increasingly complex UAS operations - designed to deliver the relevant remote pilot competencies based on the required task performance, knowledge, skills, and attitudes for future remote pilots.

Below is an overview of some of the key points for each level of training proposed.

GVC Retained

Under the proposals, the GVC will continue to be recognised as a valid level of VLOS competency and RAEs (Recognised Assessment Entity), like Heliguy, will also be able to offer the GVC course for the foreseeable future.

It would continue to be for VLOS operations in the Specific Category. BVLOS operations would not be permitted with a GVC.

Level 1 Remote Pilot Certificate (RPC-L1)

The RPC-L1 would become the new entry-level certificate for VLOS flights in the Specific Category. Level 1 would be required to apply for Level 2, which permits BVLOS operations.

The RPC-L1 is split into two categories: RPC-L1 (A) and RPC-L1 (R) - but the majority of the learning criteria/course outcomes are the same. Refer to the consultation document for a full comparison.

Entry To Training

The remote pilot must have completed the following initial training prior to being accepted for further training:

  • Open category online training material; Open category online assessment, and have obtained a Flyer ID. The Open category training/assessment refers to DMARAS (Drone and Model Aircraft Registration and Education System).

There is not a minimum age requirement.  

Training Course

The course shall include theoretical knowledge and practical skills test.

The theory test would include:

  • Air law

  • Aircraft general knowledge.

  • Human performance.

  • Meteorology

  • Operational procedures

The skills test would include:

  • Pre-flight checks

  • General handling

  • Approach and landing

  • Emergency procedures

Operational Privileges And Conditions

These include:

  • The flight is in the Specific Category

  • The flight is being conducted VLOS

  • BVLOS flights prohibited

  • Minimum certificate currency of 2 hours of live flight within the last 90 days.

Experience Requirements

  • Holders of a valid GVC would be exempt from the theoretical assessment.

  • Applicants must complete at least 2 hours of flight instruction at a CAA-approved RAE.


An RPC-L1(A/R) would be valid for 5 years. 

Level 2 Remote Pilot Certificate (RPC-L2)

The RPC-L2 introduces BVLOS training.

It is divided into RPC-L2 (A) and RPC-L2 (R). The majority of the learning criteria/course outcomes are the same. Refer to the consultation document for a full comparison.

Entry To Training

Applicants must:

  • Hold a valid RPC-L1 certificate

  • Have at least 50 logged flight hours on a UA in the Specific category. This should be conducted from L1 flights.

There is not a minimum age requirement.  

Training Course

The course would include theoretical knowledge and flight instruction.

The theory test would include:

  • BVLOS operational procedures.

The skills test would include:

  • Pre-flight operations; in-flight procedures; approach and landing; contingency procedures.

  • At least two BVLOS flights conducted under ARC-A conditions lasting at least 30mins flight time in total.

  • Use of checklists, situational awareness, control of the UA either manually or by use of the CU, and principles of risk management apply to all sections.

Operational Privileges And Conditions

  • The flight is being undertaken in the Specific Category

  • The maximum air risk class (ARC) of the flight is ARC-A (the risk of a collision between a UAS and a manned aircraft is acceptable without the addition of any tactical mitigation, ie if you’re operating in restricted airspace for example, if a NOTAM is in place).

  • The remote pilot maintains a minimum certificate currency of 2 hours of live flight within the last 90 days.

  • No intentional traffic deconfliction permitted.

Experience Requirements

  • Applicants must have completed at least 5 hours of flight instruction of which up to 2 hours may be completed using a CAA approved flight simulator device to facilitate emergency procedures training;

  • Applicants that hold valid RPC-L2 in another category may be credited towards the requirements in the above bullet point;

  • The amount of credit shall be decided by the RAE where the pilot undergoes the training course, but shall in any case not exceed 50% (2.5 hours) of the hours required in the top bullet point.


An RPC-L2 (A/R) would be valid for 3 years

Level 3 Remote Pilot Certificate (RPC-L3)

The RPC-L3 caters for more complex BVLOS operations.

It is spilt into RPC-L3 (A) and RPC-L3 (R). The majority of the learning criteria/course outcomes are the same. Refer to the consultation document for a full comparison.

Entry To Training

Applicants for the RPC-L3 must have completed the following:

  • Hold a valid RPC-L2 certificate.

  • Have logged at least 50 hours of BVLOS flight as RP in command in the Specific category on the application UA category.

  • Hold at least a valid LAPL medical certificate

The minimum age for applicants for the RPC-L3 is 18.

Training Course

The course would include a theoretical knowledge assessment and flight instruction.

The theory test would include:

  • Air law

  • Aircraft general knowledge

  • Human performance and limitations

  • Meteorology

  • Operational procedures

The skills test would include:

  • General handling BVLOS flight conducted in at least ARC-B lasting at least 45 minutes returning to the departure location.

  • Cross country flight conducted in at least ARC-B including landing at a location different to the departure location where the outbound leg is at least 10 nautical miles; the return leg is at least 10 nautical miles; the remote pilot will be responsible for all aspects of the operation including the remote recovery and repositioning of the aircraft at the destination location.

  • Emergency procedures assessment lasting at least 45 minutes conducted in a simulator.

  • Use of checklists, situational awareness, control of the UA either manually or by use of the CU, and principles of risk management apply to all sections.

Operational Privileges And Conditions

  • The flight is being undertaken in the Specific Category

  • The maximum air risk class (ARC) of the flight is ARC-C. (If you operate in uncontrolled airspace over an urban area. This requires a solution to see and avoid air traffic)

  • The remote pilot maintains a minimum certificate currency of 2 hours of live flight within the last 90 days.

  • BVLOS flight into Class A airspace prohibited.

  • IFR traffic integration prohibited.

  • ARC-D airspace prohibited

Experience Requirements

Applicants must have completed at least 55 hours of instruction which shall include:

  • 35 hours of beyond visual line of sight dual flight simulator instruction.

  • 15 hours of beyond visual line of sight dual practical flight instruction.

  •  5 hours of supervised practical flight as RP in command.

  • 75 hours of logged live BVLOS flight in total as RP in command.

Crediting does apply here. Refer to the consultation document for full details.


An RPC-L3(A/R) would be valid for 3 years.

Level 4 Remote Pilot Certificate (RPC-L4)

The RPC-L4 considers the future possibility of full IFR integration between UAS and manned aircraft in the Specific category.

The consultation document states that UAS technical assurance, operator procedures, and flight crew training requirements to perform these types of operations could be very high.

It adds: 'Several other national and international policies need to be adopted prior to the commencement of these types of operations. Therefore, the following should be considered a framework for further development.'

The key details for Level 4 include:

  • Must hold a valid RPC-L3 certificate.

  • Must have logged at least 75 hours of BVLOS flight as remote pilot in command in the Specific category on the application UA category.

  • Hold at least a valid LAPL medical certificate.

  • The maximum air risk class (ARC) of the flight for Level 4 operators is ARC-D (controlled airspace operations. A solution to see and avoid air traffic is required).

  • An RPC-L4(A/R)shall be valid for 1 year.

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