Emlid Reach M2 RTK / PPK System

Achieve positioning with 1cm accuracy in RTK and PPK, and use less GCPs. The Reach M2 is a multi-band RTK GNSS module, with a baseline of up to 100km in PPK.

Emlid Reach M2 RTK GNSS Module

PPK mapping with CM-level accuracy

Emlid Reach M2 is a compact and affordable Multi-band GNSS RTK receiver with built-in IMU for precise navigation and UAV mapping without ground control points.

It logs and tracks the exact moment when each photo is taken. The time and coordinates of each photo are logged with a resolution of less than a microsecond. This means that the number of checkpoints can be reduced - and allows GCPs to be used only to check your accuracy - and enables the creation of precise 3D models.

Emlid Reach M2 module.

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