Repair Calculator

Drone Repair Calculator

Get a price, then book your repair.

How much will it cost to repair my drone?

Use our interactive calculator to see how much it will cost to have your drone repaired at our in-house UK-based DJI Repair Centre. This calculator shows indicative pricing for the most common components on DJI's latest aircraft, but we can repair other parts and older DJI drones that are not listed.

Which drone requires repair?


  • Motors

  • Upper Shell Module

  • Fans - Upper and Lower

  • Carbon Tube

Please select the part of the drone that you would like to have repaired.

Repair Description

This calculator provides indicative costs for some of the most popular components on this drone, but our technicians have access to additional parts to conduct further repairs.

All parts repaired by heliguy™ receive a six-month warranty. A £27.50 assessment fee applies on all drones, but this is waived if you go ahead with the repair.

There is no charge for repair, labour, postage, and assessment if your drone is covered by warranty or heliguy™ Repair Refresh.

Book Your Repair Today

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