Heliguy Proud to be Presenting at Maker Faire, Newcastle


Heliguy Proud to be Presenting at Maker Faire, Newcastle

Heliguy will be supporting Maker Faire at Centre for Life in Newcastle at the end of April. Learn how to fly your DJI Phantom 3 responsibly. ... Read More

Heliguy will be supporting Maker Faire at Centre for Life in Newcastle at the end of April. Our Small Unmanned Aerial System (SUAS) team will be presenting our New Pilot Training seminar both days. We look forward to meeting you and introducing aerial vehicles to the new generation of technically aware audience. Come and meet with us to learn how to fly and comply with the CAA rules so that you can fly safely and gain maximum enjoyment from flying. Attending the event we will have some interesting users of SUAS from film makers and builders to flyers like Michael. We’d like you to meet one of Heliguy’s youngest pilots. His name is Michael and he is just 10 years old. He has an interest in computers and photography and recently was given instruction and goes out flying with his dad and their new drone. Flying a DJI Phantom 2 Vision Plus V3, from Heliguy, and Michael is already at this early stage setting himself up for a potential future career of flying. IMG_0263.jpeg “I fly in a big field near my house and I try to get my Phantom out weekly. I might fly up and get a 360 degree video or pictures of my dog Marley running around. I have a couple of batteries so I can get 30 minutes of flight time. Once I get home I edit the video on my dad’s computer. I cut out the bits I don’t need, make sure the colour is right, put titles and add background music. Then I post it on my YouTube channel so everyone can watch what I do. I really enjoy this and hope that my YouTube channel will grow. Also, I might do a bit of work for friends and family and get an aerial of their property for them. They love it and they are really interested!”

Flying with Friends?

If you are planning to go out to fly with your friends, remember to undertake the following;

  • Get your personal flying ability way ahead of your bravado.

  • Understand all parts of the vehicle and read the instructions fully.

  • Know your light sequences to look for errors.

  • Make sure you have the landowners permissions

  • Print off a Google map of the are and look for dangers

  • Create a safe take off and emergency landing area

  • Make sure you are 150m away from all roads and people

  • Brief all around you of the flight plan

  • Undertake a pre-flight risk assessment

  • Do not fly with distractions, concentrate.

  • Undertake a debrief when you finish the flight

Michael is a good example of how a well instructed youth can approach a flying in a risk averse way. His dad is a good pilot and has learnt the process and is with Michael when he flies. Locations are well away from danger, and they have a plan to follow. Within a short spell of time Michael is getting good results and best of all has created a hobby that he can share with not only his schoolmates, but the whole of the world through his youtube channel. Keep an eye on this young man IMG_0283.jpeg   IMG_0271.jpeg   DJI00459.jpeg If you have any similar stories to tell us please do drop us a note.

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