Drone Insurance

Cover yourself during your next flight

Do I Need Drone Insurance?

Drone insurance provides peace of mind that you are protected should something go wrong. Drone insurance covers you for damage to your drone, or against claims made by someone whose property your drone may accidentally damage.

Providers such as Coverdrone offer policies that extend beyond flying your drone - also covering the storage and transportation of your equipment.

Drone Insurance as a Recreational Pilot

If you fly a drone or model aircraft that weighs less than 20kg for fun, recreation, sport, or as a hobby, you can choose whether or not to have insurance. Although insurance is optional in this case, you are responsible for your actions. You could be held personally liable for any injury or damage you cause, so you may want to consider getting third-party liability insurance. A number of options are available, but a pay-as-you-fly policy may well be prudent.

Drone Insurance as a Commercial Pilot

If you are operating a drone under 20kg for commercial purposes, then by law you are required to have public liability insurance that is compliant with EC 785/2004.

Drone Insurance For Drones Weighing 20kg And Over

If your drone is 20kg or more, you must always have third-party insurance, no matter what you use your aircraft for.

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